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Goud Geld

Good Money. The State of the Dutch Financial Sector and the Pension Provision


"Good Money" shows how the various parties within the financial sector work. Reputable organisations such as Dutch Central Bank, CFA Institute, Dutch Fund and Asset Management Association and Ayn Rand Institute provide insight in functions within the financial sector, distinguishing facts from the fiction about the financial industry that so often goes round. PLEASE NOTE: this book is in Dutch.

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'Good Money' is describes how the financial sector in the Netherlands really works. Reading the book an investment management professional gets a better understanding of a pension fund client - and will be able to offer better products and services. For a pension fund it's beneficial to learn how an insurance company works, or a bank. More knowledge of each others business will contribute to innovation and better products and services in the field of the pension provision. PLEASE NOTE: this book is in Dutch.

Publicatiedatum 19 december 2016
Druk 1
ISBN 9789013140064
Redactie mr. Onno de Lange RPB